“Last War” single released by J. Robbins

The fantastic (of and ) has a new single available.  “Last War” comes from the upcoming solo record Basilisk.  That release arrives 2 February via and can be pre-ordered from Bandcamp.

Robbins explains the sets the scene for “Last War”:

“There’s a famous phrase that gets attributed to lots of different people: ‘generals always fight the last war’ – we tend to see new situations through the lens of our familiar experience, and that’s how we often miss what matters most in decisive moments. The song ‘Last War’ is a musical voodoo doll of a situation that honestly scares the shit out of me, over which I have next to no control: the USA in the 2020s, which is so often like the feeling of being a passenger in the moment just before a car wreck, when the driver is on autopilot, but you know it’s too late to swerve.”

You can listen to “Last War” below.

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