LP: Souls Extolled – “MMXXII” (ffo- genre-mixing prog rock)

Texas’ Souls Extolled tap into so many genres that it is hard to adequately quantify them. Prog rock is their main tag in their Bandcamp description, but there’s a lot more to it. Definitely dramatic.

Anyhow, the band was on a mission to release a single a month, but have decided to move up that schedule and release all twelve tracks early as the MMXXII LP, out now.

And guess what? The band has some gigs lined up, including a November tour of the mountain and west coast areas of the USofA. Check out the new album and those dates below, and swing by Bandcamp if you’re keen on grabbing a digital download. It is also streaming over at Spotify.

Should Extolled gigs and tour

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