UK-based CPRW Records (an offshoot of the Colin’s Punk Rock World blog) has released a gigantic comp as a download via Bandcamp. Featuring 155 tracks, proceeds from the the CPRW Records Supports Music Venue Trust comp will go to the Music Venue Trust’s #SAVEOURVENUES initiative, the goal of which is to raise at least £100k for struggling venues throughout the UK, who have seen revenues plummet to do coronavirus-related lockdowns and no gigging.
Featuring acts such as Billy Liar, No Matter, Lone Wolf, Burnt Tapes and more, this is a great deal for the paltry £7 they’re charging (and, as always, you can choose to pay more).
Here is the full description from the Bandcamp page:
Since March, when the UK went into lockdown due to COVID-19, many grassroots music venues around the country have been in trouble. Most struggle to get by at the best of times, so without any gigs or events happening things aren’t looking good. Thankfully we have Music Venue Trust. MVT are an organisation that helps to protect, develop and improve music venues. To help all of the 500+ venues that are really struggling in the UK, MVT is going to need a lot of money. We wanted to help in our own little way so have put together this compilation to raise money for MVT.
This week Music Venue Trust announced the #SAVEOURVENUES initiative. They are trying to raise £100,000 to help venues. While the crowdfunding page is up and running, this will be where all of the money raised from this comp will be donated to. When it’s finished, all future money raised will be donated to MVT’s normal page.
If you don’t want the music, but still want to help, you can also donate directly to the Save Our Venues initiative, or to the larger MVT organization.
We are embedding a stream of the album below but, really, go pick up a copy.

the white drew carey (aka – Jeff Sorley) is the founder and head editor of TGEFM. He’s lived (outside of) Chicago, Madison WI, (ugh) Penn State, Lyon FR, Oxford UK, central New Jersey, and now within earshot of SFO in the Bay Area. When not scouring the web for more great bands and labels to post about, he also spends time drawing (mostly) silly sci-fi and anime stuff under the name Asplenia Studios.