Ministry announce new album, release single/video “Goddamn White Trash”

Did you know was once a new wave/techno/dance club act. Ohhh… how times have changed. If the recent decades are any indication, the band’s “techno” moniker doesn’t really apply much at all anymore, as Al Jourgenson and crew are not pretty much a metal act with samples and occasional synth. That doesn’t change what they do or, more to the point, how unforgiving Jourgenson can be when he picks his targets.

The newest single and video from the band is “Goddamn White Trash.” There are no punches pulled here and the video clearly riffs on notable snowflakes the Proud Boys, right-wing militias, and even Qanon Shaman.

The track is off of the band’s upcoming album HOPIUMFORTHEMASSES, due out 01 Mar 2024 via .

Ministry will also be out on tour starting next week, and you can find details on those dates and more at the official web page.

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