“Permanent” video arrives from Chimp Change

Calgary skate punks have a new video available.  The song is called “” and was first released as a new song add-on to the 2021 cassette-re-release of their 2013 full-length , available via High End Denim Records and Tarantula Tapes.

About the song, bassist Blitzcraig says: “Millennials will be the first generation since the beginning of the 20th century who will be on average less prosperous than their parents. We’ve lived through our entire adulthoods stumbling from crisis to crisis, lied to the whole time about how things will get better or it’ll get easier if we “just stick with it” or “try a little harder”. “Permanent” is a furious refutation of the pernicious lie that our generation is to blame for the state the world is in, and a warning that no matter how bad things are there’s always farther to fall.”

Here’s “Permanent”.

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