Photo Gallery: Laura Jane Grace and Brendan Kelly at Four Seasons Total Landscaping

On Saturday, 21 Aug 2021, I had the extreme privilege of attending the gig at Four Seasons Total Landscaping with (!, …and The Devouring Mothers) and (, The Falcon, …and the Wandering Birds). You can read my review of the gig here, and check out some select photos of the event below.

The infamous location of Giuliani’s press conference. Note the alternating gig posters in parody of the same Trump 2020 pattern.
co-founder Toby Jeg (left) manages the merch table.
Brendan Kelly takes the stage
A surreal occasion, a lot of jokes are made in regards to the infamous press conference.
Despite the large area, the crowd was limited to a bit over 200 guests.
Always a smile when is on stage.
With only vocals and an acoustic guitar, the sound guy doesn’t have much to do.
Selfie with my buddy Beex.
Laura Jane Grace takes the stage and immediately launches into a stellar performance.
A muggy and slightly overcast day couldn’t bring down the mood.
Jeg and Kelly check in on LJG’s performance.
Kelly and members of the Emmaus, PA’s Funk Brewing team, who were on hand to supply beverages at the event.
Like I said: “Surreal.”
The crowd keeps their distance, but the energy starts bring them closer in.
LJG at her best.
… and full of emotion.
Best photo, IMHO.
Hard to take photos from the left side of the stage, because there’s always that tall one.
The crowd sings along.
LJG’s last song of the gig. Who’s that up to the right?!?
Even Rudy Giuliani gets in with a bit of crowdsurfing.
Selfie with Laure- funny faces for the kids.
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