Pink Snot wonders “Will you Trade Me Your Bob Essensa?” with new single

Winnipeg pop punks have released a new single.  The song is called “” and follows up many earlier January releases including “Can’t Repeat” and “Less Shitty”.  

You can pick up “Essensa” from the Pink Snot Bandcamp.  Here it is.  

2 thoughts on “Pink Snot wonders “Will you Trade Me Your Bob Essensa?” with new single”

  1. Sometimes I wanna just get rid of social media, & then something comes along and redeems it, like randomly stumbling upon Pink Snot. The material they’ve been cranking out rips. Looking forward to a eventual full-length album from the group.

  2. Can confirm these folks are rad! Very mid 90s punk vibes! Lot of influences, see what kinda vibe is familiar to you.

    Give em a listen, you won’t regret it!

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