Premiere: Some things “Never Change” in newest from Bluprint

TGEFM is excited to release the new single and video from : “Never Change”!

Describing themselves as “A little pop a little punk”, the trio dips their toes into the best of both worlds to pull out a banger of anthemic pop-punk goodness. The (now) three-piece puts together a song and sounds that is bigger than you expect, and lands a powerful punch.

Bluprint has this to say about the genesis of the song:

Dealing with that selfish person is never easy, because it’s usually someone close to you that you feel like is taking advantage of your kindness. Something we have all dealt with. “Selfish, always thinking of yourself. Never looking out for anybody else… Some things they never change”. It’s about coming to a realization you cant change people, but you can change people – if that makes sense. Like with all of our songs, we wanted people to know we are human and we deal with the same bullshit they do and they aren’t alone feeling the way they feel. 

Bluprint will also be playing a “Never Change” release party this coming Saturday. You can check out the new video, and info on the gig, below. Underneath you’ll find their social media and streaming/purchase links to explore to hearts content!

Bluprint gig and tour dates

26 Mar 2022 – “Never Change” release party – The Loony Bin – Bradley, IL

Bluprint social links

Bluprint streaming and purchase links
Apple Music

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