Premiere: Going down the “Ocean Road” with Monkie Mind

Hey, remember UK’s ? Their Oct 2021 self-titled album that I guessed about, the one the brought the “fun” back to punk rock?

Well… that band no longer exists. Now they’re called Monkie Mind and this is because, and I’m quoting Lee here, “there’s a few Monkey Minds kicking about, we figured it’s best to act now before any more physical releases!”

Sounds good to me! And you know what sounds even better? TGEFM is super-pumped because we get to share with you their first new song, and video since that debut LP! The track is called “Ocean Road” and, bless ’em, it’s a star. Lee had more to say about the song and video:

I hope our new video brings a smile to people’s faces, we had a good laugh making this one and put everything we had in to the production.  I think we’ve hit on a unique topic, So grab your knife and fork as we’re taking you on a crazy journey ‘Down Ocean Road.’

Enjoy the trip, and we’ll see you when you get back! And when you’re done, hit up Monkie Mind’s Bandcamp and Spotify pages to hear more. Follow them at Instagram to keep up on the news (at least, the news that you don’t from TGEFM).

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