Premiere: Let’s Go! drop in new single and video “Tallest Dwarf”

TGEFM is extremely chuffed to premiere a brand new track and video from Canada’s Let’s Go!

Let’s drop a disclaimer to begin, Tyler of the band is a contributor to TGEFM, but that just makes us all the more proud of their efforts!

Anyhow, the track is titled “Tallest Dwarf” and it plays on the more tongue-in-cheek end of the Let’s Go! spectrum. To me it feels a like if the irreverent rock-leanings of Sloppy Seconds and had a kid. Chock full of catchy verses and even catchier chori, it’s definitely an ear worm.

The video features limited footage of the band performing or just goofing around, instead focusing more of a coterie of local skateboarders and, in a gesture of solidarity and cross-promotion, includes each of said skaters’ social handles so that you can opt to follow and support them should you feel inclined.

Check out the new goodness below, and be sure to load up Let’s Go! via their Let’s Go’s Spotify or Bandcamp pages to hear more.

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