Premiere: new single and video “Black Umbrellas” from Big Sad

To quote that ephemeral sailor Popeye: “Well, blow me down.”

This is a big one, people. Tampa’s , comprised of scene vets formerly of Clairmel, The Tim Version, Madison Bloodbath and more, will be releasing their debut LP Black Umbrellas next month. It follows their 2020 debut EP Send Help, and will be out on 20 Sep 2024 via . I mean, that’s great news, right?

Even better… TGEFM has the distinct honor of premiering the title track and video for you today, before the album’s official release tomorrow. The song, well, it hits. It’s pretty damn awesome and I’ve been bummed that I’ve had all this time listening to it, but just couldn’t share how awesome it is with anyone.

This video, well, it hits. Not only because of the powerful imagery of the Portland protests of 2020, but because a lot of this is from the lived experiences of singer/guitarist Dave Decker:

Photojournalism and music seem to be compartmentalized and have always existed in two separate worlds, but the story of the song describes a 5 day experience in Portland (2020) that will never be forgotten on me.

The verses are there to describe the surroundings and they speak for themselves.

I was working with my mentor (Octavio) and at times, with lungs full of pepper spray, the words sorta floated through my head.

The song is an ode to photojournalists and the field of ‘beat reporting’ which (I feel), serves to amplify the voices of the unheard and bring truth to power.

It’s a catchy song while still bringing home its point. It’s a powerful video. All just a sample of what more Big Sad have in store with their new full-length.

See the following links to preorder the album or support the band on their socials and, underneath, details on their two upcoming gigs, including a set at this year’s The Fest.


Vinyl preorder
New Granada official
New Granada Big Cartel



Upcoming gigs:
SAT. 09/21 – Tampa, FL @ Microgroove
FRi. 10/26 – Gainesville, FL @ The Fest

Verified by MonsterInsights