Premiere: Regal Foul drops new video for “Pigments”

TGEFM has come down with a case of moderate to severe stoke-age, as we are premiering a brand new video from Canada’s .

“Pigments” is the 4th track from the Banff, Alberta rockers debut album Monsters in Disguise, which was released 20 Nov 2020.

A churning mid tempo verse keeps the song moving as Melvins-esque riffage claws its way into gang vocal punk rock choruses. Lyrically the song is true to form, injecting a hot shot of impending doom, chased by a familiar sense of indifference. 

Visually stimulating, Pigments is a hybrid lyric/band footage video. The band doesn’t seem to be taking this whole “Punk Rock Band” thing too seriously, enjoying themselves as they try to hold it together, singing and laughing into the camera. No mean mugging and standing arms-folded against a brick wall here, folks. As a matter of fact, I didn’t see a single leather jacket in there. Someone alert the authorities!

A fine example of the format,  I think that it’s worth noting that it was produced/edited by the band’s guitar player Gerry Royale, only adding to the band’s DIY punk rock sensibilities. The rest of the album can be heard on the Regal Foul Bandcamp and Spotify pages.

Ladies and gentlemen we present to you the video premiere of Regal Foul’s  “Pigments”.

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