Quarantine Concert Roundup – 21 May 2021: All Aboard!, Best Friends Club, The Slackers

Whenever possible or applicable, we will make a post at/around 10pm Eastern time with information and links for any concerts being streamed that particular day. These will be listed in order by start time, then in alphabetical order by host.

If you are planning on putting on a stream from home, either solo or as part of a larger set of bands, be sure to let TGEFM know by sending the info to us via our Submissions form. We’ll share the information as a regular post as soon as possible, and feature it on the day of in the Quarantine Concert Roundup post.

All Aboard! “The Rules of Distraction” release party (free) – 3pm EDT / 12pm PDT / 20h CEST

Booze Cruise Festival will be hosting ! tonight as the band celebrates the release of their new album The Rules of Distraction, which is out today on Bakraufarfita Records and Engineer Records.

This is free event, and can be picked up over at the Booze Cruise YouTube channel.

Best Friends Club: Big Show season finale (free) – 7pm EDT / 4pm PDT / 1h CEST (22 May)

will be holding the season finale of their Big Show series, with guests , Wild Honey Collective, and members of Honah Lee set to perform.

This is a free event, and can be seen here, here, or here.

The Slackers backyard party (ticketed) – 7:30pm EDT / 4:30pm PDT / 1h30 CEST (22 May)

will be hosting a whole slew of great bands this evening for their Backyard Party! livestream event. The Scotch Bonnets, Lenna Lashley and more will be joining these legends for the fun.

This is a ticketed event, and you can pick them up here.

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