Whenever possible or applicable, we will make a post at/around noon with information and links for any concerts being streamed that particular day. These will be listed in order by start time, then in alphabetical order by host.
If you are planning on putting on a stream from home, either solo or as part of a larger set of bands, be sure to let TGEFM know by sending the info to us via our Submissions form. We’ll share the information as a regular post as soon as possible, and feature it on the day of in the Quarantine Concert Roundup post.
Lockjaw Lockdown #7: KNRD vs Lockjaw Records – 3pm EDT / 8pm BST / 21h CET
Lockjaw Records’ final “Lockjaw Lockdown” takes place today, with the fine folks of KNRD Fest taking on the Lockjaw Records team in this quiz-style event.
You can follow the fun either via the Lockjaw Facebook page, or their YouTube channel.
Glam Skanks’ “Woman Crush Wednesdays” with Bad Cop/Bad COP – 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT, and 9pm EDT / 6pm PDT
LA rock act Glam Skanks will be running a series of informal webchats with fellow females in music, and today they are running two separate chats with members of Bad Cop/Bad Cop. The first will feature Jennie and Stacey; and the second webchat, later in the day, will be with Linh and Myra. There may not be music, but the conversations will likely be entertaining and insightful.
You can check it out via the Glam Skanks Facebook page.
the white drew carey (aka – Jeff Sorley) is the founder and head editor of TGEFM. He’s lived (outside of) Chicago, Madison WI, (ugh) Penn State, Lyon FR, Oxford UK, central New Jersey, and now within earshot of SFO in the Bay Area. When not scouring the web for more great bands and labels to post about, he also spends time drawing (mostly) silly sci-fi and anime stuff under the name Asplenia Studios.