Reader Review: Dumbskull – self-titled

Laptop Punk Records – 29 Aug 2021

Review by: Grim Deeds

Disclaimer – is the nom de plume of TGEFM’s own contributor/editor Ryan in his guise as a solo musician. Additionally, Grim Deeds manages the Label which released it. Some might say that this review is just free/biased advertising. I would counter with 1) TGEFM supports our own, and 2) GD’s enthusiasm for these songs are what led him to release them in the first place. I personally feel confident that he would’ve written pretty much the same things had Dumbskull’s LP been released elsewhere. However, feel free to take this with as many grains of salt as you feel necessary. – editor

If there’s one thing I appreciate, it’s an earnest DIY release with attention to melody and hooks. Enter Iowa’s one-man garage pop punk wonder, Dumbksull. Short, catchy, fuzzy songs that harken back to the Groovie Ghoulies‘ early material while also retaining plenty of personality in themselves. There’s a pulsing, driving quality that’s balanced by the hooky, Ramones-y melodies sprinkled generously throughout.

No song overstays its welcome, which also adds to the enjoyment and prevents the rougher production from becoming tedious. And with titles like “Kong at the DMZ” and “Fuck It, No Surfing,” you know you’re in for some obscure yet irresistable humor.

Dumbskull delivers on all fronts, and still retains an admirable “fuck it” attitude. But don’t be fooled – the mix and production are meticulous for a home-recorded effort, and the attention to detail is satisfying. The whole package is complemented by some very eye-catching, fun, and weird cover art (a family affair no less). This album is an ideal example of what my label Laptop Punk Records set out to accomplish – bringing music fans gems from the underground and encouraging those creative weirdos out there to go for it. What are you waiting for?

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