Review: Harkko – “Epatoivon Karki”

PD Records – June 26, 2020

Kick down the door with this throwback Finnish hardcore

leads the charge of Finnish hardcore on their new album , (Tip of Despair in English). Blending blistering crusty hardcore with Scandinavian metal, Harkko crams 8 songs into less than 13 minutes of in your face aural destruction. You don’t need to speak Finnish to hear the urgency from the first chord to the last.

Similar to original Finnish hardcore act Kaaos without the goth leanings, Harrko stomps through the album with urgency and brutality. Harrko is uncompromising in its sound, never slowing down, never retreating a single inch.

If mid to late 80s hardcore fits your tastes and you don’t need to know the words to feel the emotions, Harkko is for you! It doesn’t matter what language the other person speaks, a punch in the face, like Harkko, transcends the language barrier here.

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