Alcopop! Records, 28 May 2020

Helen Love have been doing their thing for a while now and they keep on having fun.

Welsh band have been making music for a while now, with releases going back to at least 1993 and their “Happiest Time of the Year” contribution to a split with Wat Tyler and their Joey Ramoney single from the same year.  While reveling in a love of Ramones (admittedly, a love shared with me), Helen Love have frequently brought in other musical inspirations to make some super catchy pop music over the years.  Their newest, the Now That's What I Call Songs From My Teens 2-song single, continues the tradition.

The first song, “1234 Dee Dee Ramone”, is a silly punky tribute loaded up with so much wondrous ear candy that it leaves my head spinning.  It's got all the buzz and pace and vocal melody of a Ramones song and then tosses on great synthesizers and effects and glorious lead guitar and chants that are pure bubblegum.  I think I could get away with missing my morning coffee if I just start waking up to this song.

The other song, “Songs From My Teens”, reminds me a bunch of The Sounds (of “Living in America”-sort of fame).  It's got pace and some buzz to it, too.  But the synths are a little more out front than “Dee Dee”, and they also drive the hook a little more.  Again, the vocal melodies are great and the lyrics are pure nostalgia.  It's good stuff.

Once again, Helen Love put out a ton of fun.  It's nothing super deep, but both songs have hooks for days and will simply make you smile.  Sometimes that's alright.

Favorite song: “1234 Dee Dee Ramone”

Favorite moment: the out of nowhere synths that pop in and out of “1234 Dee Dee Ramone”

Favorite whatever else: the cassette single comes in a bunch of covers that each pay tribute to some of the band's favorite songs from their teenage years

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