Rust on the Blade – 24 Jun 2022
Don’t sleep on last year’s sleeper hit from Norcos Y Horchata.
The bad news is that January and February are typically slow months for new releases and for touring punk bands hitting the upper midwest. The good news is that the slowdown provides a chance to catch up on records that may have slipped through the cracks the year before. Case in point – Norcos Y Horchata’s excellent 2022 debut Forever Disheveled.
Norcos Y Horchata (uppers and rice milk) are a trio of Detroit punk veterans, from scenes as varied as pop punk and hardcore. More recently, guitarist/vocalist Amado Movado and drummer Dougie Tangent played together in the underrated Motor City power pop band Devious Ones. NYH might incorporate bits of the members’ previous bands, but they are really their own animal.
Like much of the record, opener “All Roads Lead Downriver (Dix & Champaign Forever)” is very Detroit-centric. (Detroit’s relationship to Downriver might be similar to the way New Yorkers look at New Jersey.) “There’s Always Something New” does not put a positive spin on the human condition. If you listen to one song from Forever Disheveled, it should be “Chords Against Humanity”. The riff, melody, lyrics and a bit of traditional accordion make for a perfect earworm. While there are familiar elements of punk and power pop all over this record, it’s Movado’s embracing of his Mexicanness that makes it feel unique.
“Almost Lost My Thumb (To the Pinewood Derby)” adds some catchy, autobiographical levity to the mix. (“It bled and bled” will get stuck in your head!) “Minor Scuffs” is a sentimental track that uses record collecting as a metaphor for slightly damaged hearts coming together. “Clutter, Debt and Disarray” will certainly speak to those who struggle to part with their collected treasures. The title track finishes things up with a sort of acceptance of one’s personal foibles and imperfections. It wraps up a really strong cycle of songs.
Rumor has it that there will be new music from Norcos Y Horchata this year, so you might as well familiarize yourself with Forever Disheveled. This group of friends seems likely to be around for a while, and they’ve been doing a ton of touring. The bottom line? You need to check out this record.
For vinyl fiends: The wax is available in black and purple, 250 copies of each. There is also an alternate blue cover for the UK pressing on No Front Teeth Records. The rarest version is the 2022 summer tour edition, which is limited to 100 hand numbered copies with a photocopied cover with the tour dates printed on it.

Part-time punk writer, suburban dad and angry old man. Follow my adventures on the Punk Till I Die podcast!