Review: PI$$ER – “Crushed Down To Paste”

Kibou/SPHC/TNS/Amok/Cimex – July 10, 2020

Solid craftsmanship and intelligent d-beat anger

is a band full of angry Brits (although one band member apparently is from Göteborg, Sweden). Some are bald, some have beards. All have earned their stripes in several well known names in the darker d-beat punk rock sub genre like DOOM, ANTI-CIMEX, THE FILAMENTS, THE DOMESTICS or the aptly named SORE THROAT. So obviously when Pi$$ER announces their new 12” mini-LP called you can expect something heavy, something distorted or something….well, let’s actually take a look at the definition of the d-beat genre I lifted from its Wikipedia page. This page cites Pitchfork-journalist Robbie Mackey who describes the genre as: “hardcore drumming set against breakneck riffage and unintelligible howls about anarchy, working-stiffs-as-rats, and banding together to, you know, fight.” (1)

In what way does PISSER confirm or disprove this definition? The drumming on the 12” certainly answers to it. From opener ‘Jazz Wasps’ to closer ‘Dance In The Lights Of Your Burning Bridges’ drummer Charlie Claesson never takes his foot of the gas. As far as for riffage I can discern a big influence coming from the hardcore punk and trash metal genres. The Exploited combined with a slew of other bands PI$$ER themselves mention (or have played in!) come to mind. The howls Mackey refers to in his definition are remarkably intelligible on PISSER’s record but only when you compare it to straight up grindcore or other associated genres. Luckily the band provides a lyric sheet with which to read these lyrics. Upon which you’ll discover that James Domestic and his mates write remarkably intelligent prose. I discovered cleverly written songs about Brexit (“Problem”), being caught in a dead end job (surprisingly titled “Job”), Nazi’s (“Nazi Rhythm”) and the blind striving for personal wealth (“Panning for Gold”) . These guys know how to write and although the overall tone of the songs is one of bleakness, death, decay and destruction it is nice to see that they’ve incorporated a silver lining at the end of ‘ Dance In The Lights Of Your Burning Bridges’.

PI$$ER follows the definition of the genre mentioned earlier remarkably well (at least for someone who is obviously not a big connoisseur of the genre). But they do so with a zest, intelligence and craftsmanship that definitely makes it worth buying this record. Fans of the genre… take note!

(1), 14-07-2020

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