Review: Radio Blast – “In Your Face!”

Mom’s Basement Records, August 10, 2020

Radio Blast keeps the punk rock quick and simple and snotty.

NYC Ramones-loving punks Radio Blast are into the simple things.  They don’t need any showy complicated stuff, just a basic formula.  Do the simple humming guitars and punchy bass, then put some unadorned 4/4 drums rumbling in the back and some angst-ridden snotty vocals overtop and you’ve got something.  Ramones had it figured out and Radio Blast gets it now.  It’s all about the songs.  

! is the new EP from Radio Blast, and it comes complete with four catchy and fun songs.  Buzzing guitar riffs and dumb catchy hooks are all over this thing.  Opener “In Your Face” kicks up a burst with a riff that reminds me a bunch of something – I think it’s “I Can See What You Dig” by punk rock neanderthals HEAD.  The vocals drip with attitude and mix it up with backing vocals that are perfectly juvenile.  They even throw in a “radio spot” type of thing similar to Riverdales “Fun Tonight”.  It’s a lot of fun.  “She’s A Cannibal” is another awesome elementary ripper, mixing it up with vocal and guitar hooks that are weirdly off just enough to make it memorable.  

The back half of In Your Face! gets even better.  Lead single “Boy with the Six Pack” digs into the Ramones thing with a riff that’s kind of reminiscent of “Pinhead” and some snotty vocals that carry a great hook on the chorus.  And they even throw on a simple guitar lead earworm for good measure.  But they save what is probably my favorite for last.  The chorus on “Teddy” hooks in my brain maybe more than any other on the record.  Again, they throw in some spartan guitar leads as the primitive drums bash away.  Fantastic end to a giddy fun record.

Radio Blast gets it.  In Your Face! is all about the songs, and Radio Blast hits on all four.  There’s nothing new going on here, but that’s okay.  When the songs are this fun, dumb, and good, I don’t need much else.                  

You might like this if:

  • You’re into the simple things and some buzzing fun angst

You might not if:

  • You don’t want any Ramones acolytes creating a racket around your place
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