Review: Rübenschneider – “Angry Beet Shredder”

Cut Out Records, May 24, 2020

Bauernhausmusik to drink the night away

” is German for “Beet Slicer.” If this comes across as irrelevant trivia then you are absolutely correct. But now you know the meaning behind the name of Germany’s Rübenschneider, a street core band from Bremen. These guys started life as a band in 2012 although they have been playing together in various local bands for over thirty years.

After a self published demo (Bauernhausmusik) on their own DIY label in 2016, the Bremen quartet graces us with their full length debut . Yes, this is a translation of the name. Judging by the addition of the word “angry” it is this bare human emotion that has fueled the making of this record. And listening to Rübenschneider that is certainly the case. This is straight up angry, drunk rock ‘n’ roll (or punk ‘n’ roll as they themselves call it). No need for any extra flourish or deeper reconnaissance of the human condition. Rübenschneider blasts ahead with songs like “Angry When You Drink”, “Rock n Roll Asshole”, “Keine Crew” and “Don’t Talk Punkrock.” The songs are simple and to the point. The lyrics are simple and to the point. And because of that Rübenschneider will probably mostly appeal to fans of the more bare bones rock ‘n’ roll street core produced by the likes of Argy Bargy, The Bruisers or Oxymoron.

Soundwise the vocals are mixed very prominent and crisp and because of this you can clearly hear that singer Matzek/Olek/Dodek (don’t know who is actually singing) sounds like he’s gurgling blood. It has a very unhealthy tone to it. Also, some may find the German accent charming but I was distracted by it at times. It reminded me of German singer Udo Dirkschneider of the metal band Accept. That being said the record in itself sounds pretty good.

Rübenschneider for me are probably are more fun to watch live. They certainly have more than enough sing-along bits to entertain a drunk crowd. Too bad I don’t drink…

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