Wellsville Records – 01 Dec 2022
Space Age Zeros have a blast revisiting the pop punk of their youth.
Space Age Zeros are a newer band made up of five older dudes from the Chicago area. They describe their sound as punk rock power pop, and Blast Off! is their four song introduction to the world. These guys clearly grew up listening to, and probably playing in bands that sounded like Ramones, Screeching Weasel, The Queers, Mr. T Experience and the like.
“On a Date with Suzi Moon” is a fun opener, and certainly shows that Moon is a good sport. “Dead Inside” is more serious and melancholy, and features some nice new wavey type guitar work. Blast Off! Is a good sounding, well produced EP, but I did occasionally find myself wishing that it was a little rougher around the edges and had a bit more bite. “Ali with an Eye” is the most aggressive Space Age Zeros song, even if the backing vocals are pure ear candy. Closer “Wishing Well” has a great guitar lead and is probably the catchiest of the four tracks.
Being an old guy myself, I almost enjoy it when fellow oldsters keep the punk flag flying. After a certain point you can only do it for the right reasons – the love of playing music and hanging out with like-minded friends. There’s no delusion of any kind of serious success. This is comfort food for the Lookout! crowd. Space Age Zeros are obviously having a good time, and it’s infectious.
For vinyl fiends: For the time being at least, this appears to be available digitally or on CD directly from the band.

Part-time punk writer, suburban dad and angry old man. Follow my adventures on the Punk Till I Die podcast!