Review: Hayley and the Crushers – “Jacaranda”

Reta Records / Surfin’ Ki Records, June 3, 2020

Hayley and the Crushers “crush” it on another slice of edgy surf-pop

Apologies for the bad joke on the blurb.  are a pretty cool -punk band from San Luis Obispo, California.  Really, they make me think a bunch of music from the 80’s, the kind of stuff that hit that sweet spot between punk edge and the slicker new wave pop.  I don’t think you’d be far off if you think of Holly & the Italians, or maybe The Go-Go’s.

Anyway, fresh off of their latest LP, Vintage Millenial, Hayley and company have a new 7-inch called .  The first song and title track opens with some cool guitar that comes across as familiar, but it’s got a great hook and little surf accents float in from time to time.  Hayley’s voice is just right in the mix, sounding like an awesome sort of 80’s pop star as she sings about feeling held back in her small town and wanting to grow with lines like “in a small town, everyone’s just hanging around, in a small town, everything’s gray until you see it” and “the jacarandas are blooming, how ‘bout you?”.  The other song, “”, has a similar vibe, opening with some simple drums and then bringing in perfectly placed vocals and synths, each pushing a compelling melody.  I really like the synth sounds on this one.  The song seems like it’s about a girl who’s trying to get a break, or maybe make her own break.  And when they throw in some rhythmic crunchy power chords, bouncy drums, and some “ooh-ooh awhoa” vocals, the attitude is dripping.  The hook on this sort of chorus part is lodged somewhere in the deepest recesses of my brain and hasn’t left for a couple of days. It’s a fun one.

And just like that, Jacaranda is done.  Two new songs, a few short minutes, lots of fun hooks, and a poppy summer vibe.  It’s got me singing along.

You might like this if:

  • You like bubblegum-surf-pop-punk, or at least that idea sounds cool
  • You’ve got a thing for 80’s pop and sort of miss it

You might not if:

  • You like your music raw and aggressively distorted and anti-pop
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