Review: The Holophonics – “LAVOS”

Bad Time Records – 16 December 2022

LAVOS takes the listener on a personal musical journey spanning the ska genre.

This album is chock full of different ska musical styles. It’s speedy, melodic, skate punk, fun, serious, and a bit reggae all blended up. I am not super familiar with a lot of other original work but from what I have heard, this genre-melting pot of ska sounds is a continuation of their own style. The lyrics are more on the serious side, with references to physical and mental survival, anxiety, fear, regrets, and trauma. Singer Eric Daino is responsible for the lyrics and he takes you on a personal journey into these topics.

After the intro track, the next track up “A2 Red Gate” is fast paced switching between some horn build ups and heavier sounds. “Weirdo” keeps the fast pace up with a super fun keyboard break down in the middle.

If you looking for more of a fun skate punk song, I would check out the song “The Enchirdion”. There are a few tracks later in the album that slow things down and have a more “classic” ska feel. “B4 Luminaire” the penultimate track is one of the catchier tunes on this album.

Many of the songs on this album jump back and forth and weave in and out of different styles and time changes. This works extraordinarily well to bring the listener along for the ride, heightening your emotions to coincide with the lyrics. Add in that there is three different vocalists at times and there is a lot going on in these songs. As I previously mentioned I am not very familiar enough with The Holophonics, so I won’t try to compare this album to their other work. I have heard some of the bands cover songs and I am a fan of their “Hanukkah Oh Hanukkah” song, so when I heard they had a new album coming out, I though this was a good chance to check out more of their original work.

This band has some chops, the drums are explosive, the horns are aggressive, and the vocals emotional. They have a unique and innovative sound that may not be for everyone, but well worth checking out for yourself.

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