Riot Fest 2024: Speculation and prognostication

Editor’s intro: Jim Gordon is TGEFM’s go-to for all things . He’s been attending since the 1980s*, and knows what’s up. With RF building up to the lineup announcement next Wednesday, Jim took to his crystal ball† to guess who might be rounding out some of the upper through lower tier acts this time around††.

*or something like that.
†not something he actually uses
††probably not OpIvy. Stop dreaming

Prognostications on the Riot Fest Lineup

When the grumbles turn into shouts, and the vitriol pours out in every comment on every Riot Fest post, then you know the lineup announcement imminently approaches. We all try to be patient, and even though last year, when the lineup was released in early May, we tell ourselves, “it will be ok, just a few more days. They’re lining up something mindblowing,” Then with every passing day the anger bubbles and festers.

Well, Riot Fest has made the Announcement of the Announcement. They will announce the bands on Wednesday June 12, which gives me the opportunity to opine on the potential lineup and get this story out there to further torment those of you that are already over the edge. Other than last year, I play the same game as everyone else, I wait for the lineup, I try to consider who is playing where and when. Who has a suspiciously empty calendar around September 20-22? Who has played Riot Fest in the past and is due back? Who are the bands likely to reunite or make Riot Fest their swan song? So many questions!! 

Typically, I maintain a running mental list of the bands that fit the criteria above and are likely Riot Fest performers. This year I took it a step further and threw my thoughts into a spreadsheet so they are easier to maintain and modify. Let me preface my prognostications with a few disclaimers. 1. I did not follow Reddit or any other source that purports to have inside information. 2. I did check bands touring schedules for openings around Riot Fest. 3. I did maintain a running list with criteria on why I thought the band could be picked. 4. I maintained a parallel list of bands that dropped off my first list for various reasons (most likely a conflicting date or announcing a Chicago show).

Great. Let’s get started. I’ll break this down into the following categories: Headliners, Sub-Headliners, General Lineup, and Near Misses. 


We all know that Slayer is a lock.

I’ll throw out five more top tier acts that are on my radar. Love em or hate em, I like No Doubt/Gwen Stefani as a potential headliner. Gwen is a superstar diva. Don’t hate on her. I’d be up for a replay of their reunion at Coachella.

Slipknot. They headlined a few years back. They’re playing Louder than Life fest the next weekend, so why not a stop in Chicago on the way. I know I’m out on a limb here with two “metal” bands already up there, but I have to throw Pantera in there. Louder than Life has them booked and these types of reunions fit right into the Riot Fest ethos.

Rounding out my headliners, I have Misfits, they are playing No Values festival (which is absolutely stacked btw), and are a perennial Riot Fest favorite. They haven’t played in a couple of years and are due.


At the top of my SH list is Blondie. A classic punk/pop act from the days of CBGB, Blondie (along with Misfits), bring the old school cred that Riot Fest usually stocks.

I mentioned that RF loves the rare reunion bands, they also tend to book bands that are on their way out, and might be playing one of their last shows. We have two heavyweights that fit this criteria, Sum 41 and NOFX. I’m looking for both of them on the bill this year.

Ok. I’m going to get a little nutty here. Duran Duran just played Cruel World fest. They’re around and have that new wave vibe that RF often caters to (see Devo a few years back). I could see them in the lineup.

Alright, for my last sub-headliner, I’ve got a band that everyone loved in the 90’s. When punk became pop, these guys hung ten on that wave. The Offspring. They have an open date and are an old RF fave.


Phew. I was getting a little stressed with the Sub-Headliners. The general is a piece of cake. I could easily rattle off 10 bands here, but I’ll stick with five.

First off, a Riot Fest perennial favorite and classic Chicago Punk band, The Lawrence Arms.

Another band that I believe is shutting it down soon, Refused (fingers crossed).

There’s nothing like a Saturday afternoon with the funky beats and carnal delights of Peaches.

If you are into the eastern European stomp and clap chicanery of Gogol Bordello, I think you’ll be happy this year.

I’ll go out with a bang here. This punk icon could easily be a headliner, Iggy Pop. I believe he has the date open. He’s playing No Values, and he’s an established RF performer.

Honorable Mention: RF loves Run the Jewels, Killer Mike will likely be on the bill this year.

Near Misses

I really had Jane’s Addiction stamped and certified for this year. They’ve played before, and they’re playing festivals. They also booked a Chicago date for two days after Riot Fest.

You could say the same for Flaming Lips.

Primus is an old fave and had an opening. Then they added a Chicago date.

I really had my heart set on the B-52s playing this year. They were a lock in my opinion. Still an outside chance, but they are playing in Chicago in November.

Another one of my faves, Superchunk, had an opening, played before, fit the ethos, and added a Chicago date.

There you have it!! Is that good enough for you?? One thing I forgot to mention is that my predictions year over year seem so scientifically certain, that I share them with all my friends. Then when the lineup is actually released, it’s an epic fail. Maybe this will be my year!! Tune in on June 12, and find out.

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