Riviera Kid drop new single “Nonbinary Dysphoria” for charity on Bandcamp Friday

UK’s Riviera Kid have released a new single today for Bandcamp Friday. 100% of the proceeds of the song, titled “Nonbinary Dysphoria,” go to Samaritans, a UK-based organization that provides immediate support and counseling 24/7/365.

Johnny, the band’s guitarist and co-vocalist, has this to say:

The holidays and family gatherings can cause heightened anxiety and tension for people who battle gender dysphoria. As someone who slowly resolves my own dysphoria issues daily I can totally relate, and I thought it was time to do something…even if all I could do at present was write and self-record a song to flog to the nine or ten people who are likely to care and haven’t already been completely disaffected by 2020. I hope you’ll give it a listen…the listen is free. It’s up to you if you want to donate money to Samaritans from there. ❤

You can check out the new single (and pick up a copy, it’s only £.50), as well as check out their previous two EPs, over at the Riviera Kid Bandcamp Page.

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