Roll of the Dice: 12 questions with Flycatcher

Roll of the Dice is a short interview format with a variable amount of questions. A Pair of dice is rolled and the total, between 2 and 12, is the amount of questions we can ask. All questions are given to the interviewee(s) at once, and no follow-ups are allowed. The interview may be lightly edited for content and clarity.

NJ’s are receiving insane amounts of positive attention for their recently released EP Stunt. The quartet released the EP through Will Yip’s early this month and found time to discuss their sound, their upcoming tour and what the future holds.

Thank you so much for agreeing to this interview. Congrats, in advance on therecent release of Stunt. For the uninitiated, could you tell us a bit about Flycatcher and this record?

We’re a rock band from New Jersey and we’ve been writing music and playing shows since 2016. This record is an EP called ‘Stunt’ and the songs span from 2020 to 2023. It was recorded and produced by our good friend Connor Hanson in Toms River, NJ.

How did the songwriting and studio experience of Stunt compare to 2019’s Songs For Strangers?

Stunt was a lot more spaced out and relaxed. We recorded these 5 songs over the course of 7 days I think. And all of that was spaced out over two years or so, it was nice to take our time on this one. Songs for Strangers on the other hand was recorded in 3 days, 9 songs in 3 days was a pretty tall order. We loved that process too but I don’t think the songs on Stunt would have been served well by a fast recording experience.

You’ve been at this all for a while, what is your biggest regret? A gig you turned down, advice you didn’t take, what one thing do you wish you handled differently as a musician?

Truthfully, I don’t feel many regrets in our time as a band. We really like to stick to our guns and stand by our decisions as a band, we don’t find it too helpful to look back with any regret.

What’s the state of the scene from your point of view? We are living in a “just deal with COVID” world and everything about this timeline is some level of completely fucked. What impact, if any, does the current 
cultural and political landscape have on the band?

Our story is probably similar to most bands in the sense that the pandemic really sidelined us for almost two full years. During that break it was really hard to keep producing art and practicing and all that, but overall we made it out to the other side. We’ve also had to cancel some important gigs due to Covid infections so we’re no strangers to the challenge it poses all performers.

Have you needed to adjust your touring routines in response to the new world around us?  What’s the impact even 3 years later, you’ve personally faced at merch tables and while performing?

We haven’t had too many extended stints on the road since we’ve been back, but we have our first longer run in 4 years coming up in June. I think any band that’s on the road for more than a few days would tell you wearing a mask off stage and not mingling too much in the crowd is a lifesaver in terms of keeping the covid risks down. The last thing we want is to cancel a run of shows halfway through because of somebody getting sick so it’s definitely just a matter of staying as clean and vigilant as we can.

What is it about music that you are most passionate about? What motivates you to keep writing?

I think for me it’s the idea that there are more great songs that need to be written. Not that I write great songs or anything, but the idea that I can maybe tap into something and write a song that lots of people will be able to enjoy is what keeps me motivated.

What album or band or significant singles made you go “Yeah, this is what I want to do”  Not just an influence but who or what was the catalyst?

Hmmm. One band in particular that I saw in a pretty DIY capacity that made me realize I could play in a rock band was Weatherbox at AVIV in Brooklyn in 2015. I think that was a pretty formative experience in how I perceived writing and performing music.

The music world has also changed a lot over the last few years.  What are some of the biggest changes you’ve come across in your time within the scene?

I think the biggest change for us has been the way people interact with live music. A lot of people experience shows through their phones which can be tough to come to terms with. Luckily the people that come to our shows aren’t glued to their phones all the time, but we still see it occasionally. Another challenge has been getting people to commit to come to shows in advance. I feel like before the pandemic people were much more keen to come support a smaller band and buy tickets pre-sale. Now we have a lot of shows that ultimately do really well but so many people pull up and buy tickets at the door. 
I don’t think either of these things are particularly negative, but they definitely take getting some used to.

Being a Jersey band, the world needs to know where you stand on the Taylor Ham/Pork Roll debate, and why is that debate so ingrained into the geographic identity of NJ?

Hahaha we’re definitely a Taylor Ham band. We’re all born and raised in Northern NJ. Honestly, I think it’s just a proxy to boil down the north vs south jersey debate. And don’t get us started on the “does central jersey exist” debate. (Editor’s Note: Central Jersey does not exist. It is propaganda created by certain counties in the Garden State that want additional attention for themselves)

One of our obligatory questions in these interviews also tends to be the one I have found most important on a personal level. Who are some bands on your radar that TGEFM readers may not know about, but you think they should?

Not sure how many of these bands are not on your radar but I’m happy to hype up some bands we all enjoy! Just to name a few TOLEDO, Dino Gala, Greg Mendez, Another Michael, and Marigold.

Beyond the release of Stunt, what’s next for Flycatcher?

I think our next move is to focus on recording our upcoming LP. It’s definitely coming, songs are being written. I think we’re all really stoked on it.

Was there anything I missed that you’d like to share or dive deeper into with our readers?

Nothing else other than, order our record on and come see us on the road this year!

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