Roll of the Dice: 6 questions with Glass Wipe

Finnish melodic punk trio have their newest album, Co Lo Mone, out tomorrow. TGEFM doesn’t get to spend enough time with our international brethren in punk, so we reached out for an ROTD and Glass Wipe were all too happy to answer. We rolled a SIX.

1) I have to ask: what does “Co Lo Mone” mean?
It’s sort of a riddle. I’ll give you a clue – it’s about the number between two and four…

2) Glass Wipe seems to have been fairly quite the past few years. How much of that was the pandemic, and how much was just the lull between new releases?

Glass Wipe has done quite a many shows during the past few years here in Finland. Of course the pandemic shut down basically everything during the first couple of years, but ever since the situation got more or less back to normal we have been on the road regularly. Also during the pandemic we began to write new songs, of which 12 of them are on Co Lo Mone, so the pandemic became like a rebirth period for us.

3) If my internet research is accurate, Co Lo Mone is your third LP. What can listeners expect from the new album compared to your previous releases?

It’s faster, heavier and more aggressive than the previous releases. Stiffest Glass Wipe to date.

4) According to Bandcamp, you’re from Kemi. Pretty far from the Russian border, but still very close at the same time. Has Russia’s war on Ukraine affected your community?

The war in Ukraine has affected us all here in Finland, and all of us here try to do the best they can to help. For example we held an support/fund-raising gig in Helsinki, to gain some money for the anarchists in Russia and Ukraine.

5) The internet also tells me that Sampo the icebreaker is based in Kemi. Is Sampo a local celebrity to you, or just another part of the background and a source for annoying tourists? On the point of local celebrities, could you name some bands in your part of the world that TGEFM readers may not know about, but should be listening to?

A: Sampo the icebreaker (=Jäänmurtaja Sampo) is this huge 75m x 17m ship that has a home in the sea waters of Kemi. It worked as an icebreaker for 27 years, but it has spent it’s retirement days as a attraction for around 10,000 tourists a year. We root for Sampo being our hometown hero. Other celebrities from Kemi we recommend is Jari Salmi from the TV show Pulkkinen. For the TGEFM readers we recommend the band Suite Green!

Jäänmurtaja Sampo dumps unruly tourists into the sea.

6) After the launch of Co Lo Mone, what’s next in line for Glass Wipe?

Lots of tours in Finland and abroad, new music, album number 4. 

Roll of the Dice is a short interview format with a variable amount of questions. A Pair of dice is rolled and the total, between 2 and 12, is the amount of questions we can ask. All questions are given to the interviewee(s) at once, and no follow-ups are allowed. The interview may be lightly edited for content and clarity.

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