Roll of the Dice: 6 questions with Porch Coffin

Orlando rockers Porch Coffin are the latest to take part in TGEFM’s Roll of the Dice interview series. The band is gearing up for the 9 June release of the new single “Hotel Rosen.” We had the chance to chat about the single, the band’s influences and what’s next for the trio.

Thank you so much for agreeing to this interview. Congrats in advance on the release of the “Rosen Hotel” single. What can you tell our readers about Porch Coffin and the new track?

Thanks for having us! Yeah so Porch Coffin started as just a studio project for Joey and I. At the time I was doing Pro Wrestling full time so I wouldn’t have had time to really be in a band. Eventually I put wrestling aside and we got the best drummer in the world Kyle Shepherd and started making this a real thing. 
The song “Rosen Hotel” is a fun energetic fuck you to corporate money and capitalism as a whole. We unfortunately all have to play a part in that system to survive so I’m not claiming to be this beacon of anti capitalistic leadership, but sometimes the rat race catches up to me. Luckily I have this band so I can yell about the stupid shit in the world.

What album or band or significant singles made you go “Yeah, this is what I want to do”  Not just an influence but who or what was the catalyst? 

It’s a little difficult to pinpoint one band or song. I’d say growing up listening to Nirvana and Blink 182 kind of made me think those are regular people doing that. I also grew up in a musical household. My father and brother play and sing so we’ve for years played together mostly old 90’s top 100 rock songs or whatever. When I was 12 I met my first group of punk rock kids. Where I grew up in Palm Coast, FL there was really nothing to do. In our town we had Wal-Mart and a really shitty movie theater. So just about every weekend these kids would put on local shows. I got obsessed. Started going to every show and eventually started playing shows. That’s probably what really did it for me.

The world has been going through some shit over the last few years. The band itself came has run somewhat parallel timelines to the pandemic. Did the isolationism of that time impact the songwriting or the band’s sound? What affect, if any, have the cultural (and/or political) landscapes of the last few years had on your music?

So the band started in February of 2020 right before the pandemic. As I stated before it started as just a studio project. So we didn’t really have a way of writing or a sound yet when the pandemic happened. I will say it gave us a lot more free time so what was supposed to be a 4 song EP turned into an 11 song LP. The culture of politics had a lot to do with the writing of that record. It was just a really nasty time, there was and still is so many social and economic injustices. It gave me a lot to reflect on and write about for sure.

One of our obligatory questions in these interviews also tends to be the one I have found most important on a personal level. Who are some bands on your radar that TGEFM readers may not know about, but you think they should know about?

I would say Bad Luck. While a lot of people do know about them I truly believe not enough people do. I was lucky enough to start that band with some of my absolute best friends. When I had to leave they marched on and have been absolutely killing it with every record since. I’m so proud of them and think they deserve to be one of the biggest bands in the world. 
I’d also have to say Leg Biters. Sam is just one of the best songwriters out there and a really awesome person.

Not to put the cart before the horse, but what’s next for Porch Coffin after the release of “Rosen Hotel”?

We’ve got a summer tour coming up starting June 30th. Then we’ll be playing the Fest in Gainesville come this October. Some other things in the works as well but I can’t say too much at the moment.

Was there anything we missed or that you’d like to put more focus on?

Nah I think that’s great. Build up your local scenes, Artist, and Businesses. Try your best to take care of one another. 🖤🤘

Roll of the Dice is a short interview format with a variable amount of questions. A Pair of dice is rolled and the total, between 2 and 12, is the amount of questions we can ask. All questions are given to the interviewee(s) at once, and no follow-ups are allowed. The interview may be lightly edited for content and clarity.

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