Roll of the Dice: 7 questions with Jim Hofer of Mustard Plug

If you were in the Midwest in the early ‘90’s then I don’t have to tell you how awesome the ska punk scene was. Bands like Slapstick, Blue Meanies, Suicide Machines, MU330 and many more skanked from this region. One band that formed in the early ‘90s from Michigan is still skankin it up today. This band of course is , whose new LP, Where Did All My Friends Go?, is due out 08 Sep 2023 via Bad Time Records. TGEFM go in tough with we asked Jim Hofer (trombone, melodica, backing vocals) for a quick round of Roll of the Dice. We rolled a SEVEN.

1) Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions! As many bands did to fill time during the pandemic, I had heard Mustard Plug was writing some new songs. Next thing I hear you have a new full length album coming out (the first in like 9 years) and it’s on the baddest new ska punk label, ! How did this all come together?

Hi Dan! No problem! We started writing before the pandemic hit, experimenting with doing it remotely online which was new for us and would turn out to be a good decision. The pandemic gave us more time to work on it. We actually had like 17 songs written before we could even be in the same room to work on them. When it came time to talk about a label there really wasn’t much of a decision. Mike contacted us and gave his pitch. In the end we already felt included in the Bad Time community, it was just a no brainer.

2) Not only is the new record on Bad Time but you’re back with the legend Bill Stevenson and recorded at the Blasting Room. How was the experience working again with Bill?

Bill has been a mentor to us over the years, really educating us on how to craft songs. But he’s also a friend and it was great just to hang with him and hear all his stories. Jason and the whole crew at the Blasting Room helped put the polish on this record and are super good people!

3) I’ve been listening to the new album (check back here for my full review soon) and to me it is a more polished call back to earlier Mustard Plug, maybe a little less catchy, at least to my favorite songs from the first 5 albums, and a little more melodic skate punk. The tracks are still instantly recognizable as Mustard Plug songs with Dave’s signature vocals, fun ska fills, and of course an energetic horn section. How would you describe the new album?

It’s definitely a Mustard Plug album, but it feels a little different. I think because of the circumstances of writing it, there’s a bit less spontaneity and a bit more polish. Which isn’t bad, just different. Definitely more backing vocals and little things thrown in. It was a fun record to make! In the end I think this is our best album. 

4) The credits list you as playing the melodica in addition to the trombone. I was trying to figure out which tracks had the melodica, have you always played the melodica? 

I had never played melodica in my life! Just picked one up to mess around with, but it fit perfectly for “Why Does It Have To Be So Hard.” That song kind of goes into uncharted waters for MP, but it came out great. Also I believe it’s the only song we’ve ever had a fade out.

5) Is it bad to let a Vampire in your house, don’t you have to invite them in?

Exactly. A vampire can’t enter your house unless you invite them in. But a vampire can be disguised, so be careful!

6) As a band that has done a lot of touring, is there a specific city the band likes to visit for the crowd or a special restaurant, or something you have to do or go to every time you visit that city? Like maybe a kick ass bowling alley.

There are so many places we love going to because of the crowd and the energy – Denver, Chicago, Detroit, Montreal, Japan, etc. Coincidentally, most of our favorite places also have amazing food. Maybe shows are just better after everyone gets a good meal?

7) Are there any bands currently on your radar that our readers may not have heard of but you think they should check out?

I have young kids so I sadly don’t have the time to check out new music like I used to. But I will say the Bad Time roster is pretty stacked. Most of the best new-to-me bands I’ve seen lately have been on that label. Also Rodeo Boys.

Roll of the Dice is a short interview format with a variable amount of questions. A pair of dice is rolled and the total, between 2 and 12, is the amount of questions we can ask. All questions are given to the interviewee(s) at once, and no follow-ups are allowed. The interview may be lightly edited for content and clarity.

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