Roll of the Dice: 7 questions with Poolside At The Flamingo

Roll of the Dice is a short interview format with a variable amount of questions. A pair of dice is rolled and the total, between 2 and 12, is the amount of questions we can ask. All questions are given to the interviewee(s) at once, and no follow-ups are allowed. The interview may be lightly edited for content and clarity.

With the release of new record _Accabadora_, genre-bending deathcore juggernauts are ready to melt faces and capture minds… but first, the twin brother duo has agreed to spend some time rolling the dice with TGEFM in our latest interview series.

Thank you so much for agreeing to this interview!  Congrats on the upcoming Accabadora! What should our readers know about Poolside at the Flamingo, your history and your sound?

We all got started creating music very early on. As far back as middle school we were either in bands together or in bands that played with each other. We helped to create a sizeable local metal scene in our small home town (Longmont, CO). We bring a very unique mix of deathcore/grindcore that hits hard and is HEAVY.

Let’s talk a little bit about the upcoming record and how it came into existence. What was going on at the time that helped kickstart and inspire the songwriting process? 

We’ve been in and out of the scene a couple times over the history of the band and we just made a little comeback with our “Self-Titled” EP in 2023 but we felt that we could write better, more relevant material.  So we instantly got back to work and put a LOT of time and effort into writing the Accabadora EP.  We feel it’s by far our best material yet.

You’re also twins and host your own horror based podcast.  Personally, I know the Grady Twins are usually the first thought of, but I think Sisters is a better pair because its just such a crazy swerve, there was also a pair of twins on an episode of Freddy’s Nightmares I saw once when I was pretty young that stuck with me for the last 3 decades… But its your interview: Best horror twins and why?    

I’m gonna have to go with the Grady twins from The Shining.  My brother and I are HUGE Shining fans and could probably quote the whole movie from start to finish, including poorly mouthing the iconic soundtrack moments.

What have been some of the most memorable moments or experiences with the band so far? What’s been the most unexpected? The weirdest?

We had a very memorable stop in Idaho once. We pulled up to the “venue” only to realize it was a house in a cookie-cutter suburb.  Turns out some high school girl got her parents to let her throw a show in their small basement. There must have been 100 people in this 500sqft basement. People were falling into us and crowding the mic.  By the time we were done there were holes in the walls and ceilings.  It was awesome!

One of our obligatory questions in these interviews also tends to be the one I have found most important on a personal level. Who are some bands on your radar that TGEFM readers may not know about, but you think they should?

Our friends in Crown Magnetar are super talented and they’re blowing up so definitely check them out.  Also check out In Gloom and A Wake In Providence and our friends in IAMTHESHOTGUN and Flesh Digest.  All are super talented.

What’s next for Poolside At The Flamingo?

We have a handful of EP release shows coming up.  Check out our website for details.  We’re hoping to tour with some awesome bands in the near future!

Was there anything I missed that you’d like to share or dive deeper into with our readers?

No, that covers it! Thanks so much!

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