Supergroup (feat. members of Dog Party, The Moore Family Band, , and Small Crush) have released thee singles so far from their upcoming debut album. TGEFM wanted to know more about the band, so we got together with Randy Moore (guitar) for a session of Roll of the Dice. We rolled an EIGHT.

How did you land on the thump thump of a beating heart for your band name?

It was a name Mike Park () thought of and we were all into it. 

In press materials, Doki Doki is referred to as a “punk rock Voltron”, which I find hilarious because I use Voltron often in my writing when describing different forces coming together. Still, though, there's a lot of pedigree behind the individual members of the band. How exactly did you join forces?

We have all been friends for a really long time! I've played shows with Grumpster, Small Crush and Dog Party a bunch of times. Dog Party and Grumpster had just done a tour a few months before. We're all from the scene in neighboring areas. Plus we all have the Asian Man connection! 

You've released three excellent singles thus far (editor link them here), with an… anticipated… release for your debut, s/t album sometime this winter. Do we have any word on that release date, or can you give us a bit of info on what else to expect from the album?

We're just waiting on vinyl really – trying to schedule the releases around when we'll have physical records. 

With the release date still in a bit of limbo, does the band have any gigs or touring planned for the near future? 

Everyone has been really busy with their respective bands, but we'll plan something soon, I'm sure. 

The new single/video for “I Can't Fight this Crazy Anymore” is comprised solely of Logan (guitar, vocals) packing up orders in the Asian Man garage. Does Logan moonlight as distro for Asian Man, or was this just part of the set-up? Does anyone else work under the iron fist of Mike Park?!? (laughter)

Hahahaha! I love that video. I actually do the packing at Asian Man with Mike. Best job in the world. 

Aside from Doki Doki, what have the band members' respective other acts been up to lately?

Small Crush just got off a huge tour with Mom Jeans. Grumpster was on tour with Lagwagon. Lucy is touring out to The Fest in Gainesville, FL. And, as of this email, I'm in France doing a European tour with a band called Spiritworld opening for Charger and Agnostic Front. We're all so busy, hahaha. 

This is a question we typically ask, but can you name off some bands that TGEFM readers might not be aware of, but should be checking out?

Sarchasm, Decent Criminal, Adult School, and Scowl, just to name a few off the top of my head.

Aside from all of the above, what's next for Doki Doki? Is this a one-off thing, or is the rapport too good not to continue on?

Nothing is set in stone, but we had so much fun. I don't see why we can't do more stuff! 

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