Roll of the Dice (T1 Fest edition): 6 questions with Joe Queer of The Queers

Launched in 2019, and with a hiatus in 2021, Chicago’s returns for their fourth event a bit next weekend (tix and info HERE). The festival aims to raise awareness and funds for Type-1 Diabetes research, features a great line up of acts. Headlining on Friday night will be long-running act . TGEFM caught up with Joe King (aka- Joe Queer) for a round of Roll of the Dice. We rolled a SIX.

1) The Queers are one of the headlining bands for the T1 Fest in Chicago this year and then it looks like you swing south and tour through some southern states like Texas, Arizona, and even Hawaii. As a veteran band that has toured as much as The Queers, what is the excitement level for, of course other than Hawaii, to play new venues or festivals?

Oh we love touring so we’re all excited to play shows period. New places for us are far and few between as we’ve been all around the world many times but we always get pumped up to see old friends and make new ones- trite as that sounds. It’s one thing about music I love- you make new friends every tour. There’s not many jobs that allow you to have that opportunity. We have so many laughs on tour that we all get excited to hit the road whether it’s Hawaii or Boise. 

2) Aside from your own performance at T1 Fest, which bands are you looking forward to seeing the most? Any acts that you haven’t gotten to see perform live, but are looking forward to?

Honestly I don’t know what other bands are playing. I’ve been so busy the past few months other than tour dates I haven’t paid much attention to who we’re playing with. Another great thing about music is it always gives you something to get out of bed for in the morning. There’s rarely a dull moment what with planning tours and as the manager of The Queers I’m dealing with logistics for traveling-what songs we’re going to play-booking hotels etc. There’s a lot to it but I like doing it. I also have a studio at my house I run word of mouth so there’s always something going on there too.. All in all music keeps me very busy. On tour and off. 

3) Is there any cities or venues you haven’t played yet but would like to some day? Is there a favorite city, venue, or area you like to visit the most on tour?

Honestly I can’t think of any. Like I said earlier we enjoy playing so it doesn’t matter if it’s Moscow or El Paso. We try to walk on the sunny side of the street and view the glass as half full not half empty. Having said that we certainly enjoy going to Europe and we’re talking about going back to Japan next year. My wife is Japanese so that’s always fun going there. We went to China three times and had a blast there. Same with Russia. Sucks with the way things have gone downhill politically around the world the past 3 years cos we can’t go play some places anymore. 

4) I heard you are working on a book, is this more of an autobiography or more about the band and what is the current status of it?

Yes I’m halfway done with it but haven’t found time to sit down and finish the damn thing. It’s about the band but also autobiographical. It’s pretty funny and I’m really excited to get it out. I want to do it DIY-print them up myself and sell them at shows and online but keep it all in-house.

5) You have been putting out some cover songs in the last few years including most recently your cover of AC/DC’s “You Shook Me All Night Long”.  Do you have any projects you are currently working on, and if so, what can we expect next from the band?

We’re doing a Rolling Stones’ song for a comp next. I just started working on songs for a new album. Save The World was one of our best albums which I think is pretty damn good for a band that’s been together for 30 years. So I’m taking it as a personal challenge to top Save The World and make an even better album. I already have some killer songs that are a step up musically from STW so we’ll see. I’m really psyched about doing this next album. I love writing songs and producing.

6) As someone who records and works with other bands, are there any bands that TGEFM readers may not know about, but you think they should?

Let’s see Billy Batts and the Made Men are younger punk kids and they’re about to record their second album-they are a solid band and one to keep an eye on. The Hanging Judge is a street punk band here in Atlanta that has excellent songs. The Jasons and Radio Buzzkills are 2 band we’ve toured with that are both really good and people might not know them. The Crackheads is a new pop punk band from Atlanta starting to do some really good stuff. Switchblade Villain from Florida is a great band. Shit there’s a lot of great bands but these are a few that come to mind. The 99’s from Minneapolis have been here doing demos. They have a killer album from what I’m hearing. A step up from a lot of bands I hear these days. I always forget to mention good bands I meet on tour. The Deveros are from Santa Barbara-great band! Anyway hope this is enough!

Roll of the Dice is a short interview format with a variable amount of questions. A pair of dice is rolled and the total, between 2 and 12, is the amount of questions we can ask. All questions are given to the interviewee(s) at once, and no follow-ups are allowed. The interview may be lightly edited for content and clarity.

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