Roll of the Dice (T1 Fest edition): 7 questions with Kody Templeman

Launched in 2019, and with a hiatus in 2021, Chicago’s returns for their fourth event a bit next weekend (tix and info HERE). The festival aims to raise awareness and funds for Type-1 Diabetes research, features a great line up of acts. Performing in a quite a few of them is , who graciously put pen to paper (or more like fingers to phone screen) to answer a few Roll of the Dice questions. We rolled a SEVEN.

1) Hello Kody! How is it going? From my understanding, you’ll be performing something like 28 times at T1 Fest this year. Are you a glutton for punishment?

Well it would seem that way now wouldn’t it? I think the total number of shows were playing is 69.

2) So, from my understanding, you’ll be playing with  on Friday night, and then both headlining on Saturday with  and the recently-announced /Riverdales/Teen Idols set. I know it’s like children, and you’re not supposed to pick a favorite, but which set are you looking forward to the most?

I love all 3 for different reasons. I’m stoked for people to see SACK because they’re not as well known. But TBR and Lills are always fun.

3) I think we’ve established that you’re performing two of the three nights. Will you be in attendance on Thursday, as well? Regardless, which band or bands are you most looking forward to catch live? Any that you haven’t seen before that you are stoked to finally catch on stage?

I’ll miss Thursday cause we get in too late. Not looking forward to any of the bands. I only listen to Midwest hardcore polka now.

4) The pandemic was just shit for a lot of people, but it looks like we’ve made it through (knock on wood). How did you keep yourself occupied, especially during the severe lockdown part? What were you most excited for coming out of the other side of it?

My wife Dana and I remodeled our kitchen. I got really used to standing in line at Home Depot. Now I’m just stoked to be able to get out and play shows. 

5) I grew up outside of Chicago and spent a lot time in the city going to shows and whatnot. What’s your favorite part of the Windy City?

The music scene and comic shops.

6) Part of TGEFM’s mission is to cover bands big and small, but mostly to give a leg up to the up-and-coming bands. What are some bands you can thing of that TGEFM readers may not have on their radar, but should be paying attention to.

Bricheros is the only band that comes to mind. I haven’t heard many new punk bands recently. Maybe you could help me out with that. Oh, Flight Kamikazi is real tight.

7) What does the future hold for Kody Templeman/Sack/Teenage Bottlerocket/whatever new and exciting bands you may be contributing to?

More music and more shows. What else do you want from me?

Roll of the Dice is a short interview format with a variable amount of questions. A pair of dice is rolled and the total, between 2 and 12, is the amount of questions we can ask. All questions are given to the interviewee(s) at once, and no follow-ups are allowed. The interview may be lightly edited for content and clarity.

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