Roving announce debut LP, release single “Spindrift”

Shoegaze-y alt-grunge quartet out of Santa Marai will be releasing their debut LP this spring, and have revealed the lead/title track “Spindrift.” The project comes after their 2019 EP Dreams/Memories, and is due out 23 Apr 2024 via .

“Spindrift” is written from the perspective of someone who feels like they’re drowning in anxiety. Spindrift by definition is the mist that comes off the back of a wave. The lyrics “spindrift dream” are essentially a metaphor for being crushed by a wave of anxiety. This was the first complete song we wrote for the album. We actually sat and wrote the lyrics together as a band. When we live tracked it at the Pale Moon Ranch we knew it would be our personal favorite song on the album. The solo in the bridge was written by Alex Estrada who engineered and helped produce some of the songs on our record.

Chase Hunter

Preorder info on that LP is still forthcoming so, in the meantime, be sure to hit up this link page where you can find socials, streaming, and more.

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