Sad Snack release debut single “Sunshine and Lollipops 2020”, announce upcoming cassingle

Ska Punk International has released the debut single from San Francisco ska act Sad Snack (OK, say THAT three times fast). The quartet bring us the single “Sunshine and Lollipops 2020”, just in time for Bandcamp Friday in a few hours.

But wait, there’s more! SPI are timing up with the hot folks over at Lavasocks Records, and will co-release this song, and the band’s next single, as a limited edition cassingle. Whodathunk those would ever come back?

Check out the new song below, and swing by this link page for streaming and purchase options. Interested in that Cassingle? There are also links for the “nighttime” (at SPI) and “daytime” (Lavasocks) editions.

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