Simple Plan parts ways with longtime bassist after sexual misconduct allegations

announced on July 9, 2020 that they are parting ways with longtime bassist David Desrosiers after several women recently came forward with their stories of his sexual misconduct.

The band took to social media to release a statement in both French and English:

Following recent public statements, David Desrosiers is withdrawing from the band in order to work on his personal issues. We offer our deepest apologies to the women who were hurt by his actions. We are also sorry for all our fans who are disappointed by this regretful situation. We will, as a band, take time to pause, reflect and put in place guidelines to prevent similar situations from happening.

See the full Instagram post below.

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Suite à des déclarations publiques récentes, David Desrosiers se retire du groupe afin de travailler sur ses difficultés personnelles. Nous présentons nos excuses les plus profondes aux femmes qui ont été blessées par ses actions. Nous sommes également désolés pour tous nos fans qui sont déçus de cette situation regrettable. En tant que groupe, nous prendrons le temps de faire une pause, réfléchir, et mettre en place des lignes directrices afin d’éviter que de telles situations se reproduisent. Following recent public statements, David Desrosiers is withdrawing from the band in order to work on his personal issues. We offer our deepest apologies to the women who were hurt by his actions. We are also sorry for all our fans who are disappointed by this regretful situation. We will, as a band, take time to pause, reflect and put in place guidelines to prevent similar situations from happening.

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