Space Podity – Week of July 19-25, 2020

Space Podity is TGEFM’s regular roundup of recent podcasts that bear some relation to the music scene we know and love. Included will be links to the podcasts, and a brief description of who/what they each cover in the episode.

If you think YOUR podcast should be included in this list, sound off in the comments below, or shoot us a message via our Submissions form.

100 Words or Less –Ep. 409Good Riddance vocalist Russ Rankin comes on and immediately jump in to some of their personal pitfalls in the “EpiFat” community specifically in the way that they were “too punk to be hardcore and too hardcore to be punk.” Anyone who knows anything about Good Riddance knows Rankin is a hockey fan and of course that comes up in the episode as does his own disposition making him seem unapproachable and being a voice in the animal rights movement.

Growing Up Punk — Interview Jeremiah & Jackson (Slick Shoes) — Recently reunited members of Slick Shoes get together for an interview with Aaron discussing their time in studio with All, the Slick Shoes discography, and the importance of guarantees for touring.

Mable Syndrome Punk Rock Podcast — S3Ep18 — Sarah and Kristen are back with a brand new episode featuring Shawna Potter of War on Women to discuss Shawna’s book, Making Spaces Safer, what that means and how to apply those practices to not only to the punk scene, but also how to be more than just a bystander in instances of harassment and assault during regular day experiences.

One Life One Chance — Ep. 74H2O frontman Toby Morse is joined by actor Ethan Suplee. Suplee and Morse go into great detail about Suplee’s physical transformation, PMA, living sober, and the ridiculousness of getting and keeping bad tattoos.

Peer Pleasure Podcast with Dewey Halpaus (Anatomy of a Ghost/Portugal the Man) — Matt Pinfield — The Peer Pleasure crew is joined by Matt Pinfield. Arguably the greatest rock VJ in history Pinfield shares his experiences with getting sober, and working with Maynard James Keenan of Tool and A Perfect Circle to develop an MMA show for MTV.

Punk Til I Die — Ep. 55 — This week’s episode focuses on remembering Chi Pig, lead singer of Canadian punks SNFU who passed away earlier this week. The trans-Atlantic hosting duo also show off their playlist including the Feisty Cadavers, Dead Boys, and Exploding Fuck Dolls.

The Sappening with Sean Smith (The Blackout) — Ep. 87 — Sean and cohost Morgan are joined by Ben and Seb Barlow of Neck Deep to celebrate the release of the band’s new album All Distortions are Intentional. In addition to pitching the new record, the Barlow brothers get into some of their tour shenanigans, having the Blink-182 boys as mentors and of course touring with Lil Wayne.

Strano Podcast — Ep. 44 — Jennie Cotterill of Bad Cop/Bad Cop joins the Italian podcast to chat their personal magic moments and take side trips about everything from the power of invisibility to creating theme park rides in Fat Mike’s backyard.

That One Time on Tour — Ep. 115 — Chris Swinney is joined by Rory Koff the drummer of No Use For A Name to discuss a life on tour buses. Rory talks about the early Warped Tour days where they shared a bus with riot-grrl legends L7. He also tells the story of how Fat Mike talked them into bringing in Matt Riddle and how he and Matt later fixed a broken down bus with his drumset.

Turned Out A Punk — Ep. 275 & 276 — Damien’s dropped two episodes this week in celebration of the band The 1865. First Damien talks with Honeychild Coleman about growing up punk in the Bible Belt, Coleman’s beginnings with Sistagrrl Riott Collective and so many amazing stories from Coleman’s youth (including seeing RuPaul’s punk band, Basqiat. In the second episode, Damien talks with Sacha Jenkins about her legacy as a writer, director, producer, musician, and as an absolute all around bad ass.

Washed Up Emo — Ep. 172 — This week’s Washed Up Emo podcast brings an interview with Chris Simpson of Mineral, Gloria Record, and Mountain Time. The newest Mountain Time album takes a good portion of time, but that doesn’t mean we don’t hear about the Mineral reunion in 2014, the unreleased and unfinished Gloria Record album, and sticking his foot in his mouth when speaking to members of Antioch Arrow about their writing process.

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