Closed Casket Activities has dropped a new split between New Jersey’s END and Utah’s Cult Leader. The four song EP features two tracks by each band. You can grab the copy on digital from Cult Leader’s Bandcamp page (and it is cheaper there… wink wink) or, if you’re into the wax, END is hosting multiple vinyl options over at their Bandcamp page.
Check it out below. If you’re at work, make sure to unplug your headphones and turn up the speakers. Jimmy over in HR would love to hear this! (END’s copy of the album embedded below)

the white drew carey (aka – Jeff Sorley) is the founder and head editor of TGEFM. He’s lived (outside of) Chicago, Madison WI, (ugh) Penn State, Lyon FR, Oxford UK, central New Jersey, and now within earshot of SFO in the Bay Area. When not scouring the web for more great bands and labels to post about, he also spends time drawing (mostly) silly sci-fi and anime stuff under the name Asplenia Studios.