Like most bands everyone, was forced to cancel their touring schedule due to the coronavirus. Well, they are looking ahead and have now released the rescheduled dates for their tour, now planned for July 2021.

What was supposed to be their 30th anniversary tour now isn't, but isn't it better to make it to your 31st anniversary? We'd like to think so.

You can check out the dates and details of the new tour below.

29.07.2021Hanover, DEKulturzentrum Faust / Mephisto
30.07.2021Berlin, DECassiopeia Berlin2020 tickets still valid
31.07.2021Hamburg, DEHafenklang
01.08.2021Kassel, DEFranz Ulrich
02.08.2021Annabrg-Buchholz, DESoziokulturelles Zentrum Alte Brauerei e.V.
07.08.2021Duffel, BEBrakrock
08.08.2021Trier, DEMergener Hod&
09.08.2021Stuttgart, DELKA Longhorn#
12.08.2021Lindau, DEClub Vaudeville#
13.08.2021Weiner Neustadt, ATJugend- und Kulturhaus TRIEBWERK
& = w/ and Elway # = w/ Lagwagon

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