Supergroup Suburban Eyes release surfy “SoCal (Psycho)”

Indie rock collective Suburban Eyes have released their latest single, “SoCal (Psycho).”

The trio consists of Eric Richter (Christie Front Drive, ), Jeremy Gomez (, The Gloria Record) and John Anderson (Boys Life). Richter explains the origins of the new track:

“When we started this project, I found out that the interface I was using to record demos was obsolete and I needed to update my equipment. Jeremy suggested using Logic because I was really only familiar with GarageBand. The first time I sat down to test my new interface with Logic, I found a drum pattern called So-Cal. The first thought that came to mind was surfing, so I started strumming a jangly ‘surf’ progression over the beat. I had the entire song written in two-to-three takes and the lyrics came instantly. John added a keyboard hook that he had heard in his head while listening to the demo and the song came into focus.”

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