TGEFM is looking for contributors!

As That’s Good Enough For Me continues to grow, we are always on the look out for new contributors to join our team. I’ll be honest with you right off the bat: all roles are currently unpaid, volunteer-only. Like many small (and not so small) music news sites/blogs, we do this for the love of music and, maybe, the chance to hear new music before it comes out. Maybe along with some other neat little perks. But none of us get paid at the moment. If you’re looking for income, sadly this isn’t for you.

If you’ve made it past that first paragraph, likely you’re still interested. So let me give you some details: As I stated above, TGEFM is an all-volunteer organization. Sure, you don’t get paid, but you also aren’t ever told to write something you don’t want to. There are no assignments, as I appreciate the TGEFM volunteers are doing this on their time, and they have complete leeway in what and when they want to write. The one caveat to this is that we do ask you to honor certain obligations, say if you ask for and receive a pre-release promo for review, you should review it. Or if you ask for an interview, you’ve gotta write it up. Those kinds of things.

Only one role within TGEFM has a specific requirement to keep enjoying that position (News Editor), everything else is come and go as you please. However, if you DO meet a certain year-end threshold, you also get to submit a coveted “Best of…” year-end list. So there is a sort of bonus to strive for.

TGEFM also has a very loose organizational structure. Anyone can put on almost any hat they like at a given time. Want to do a review one week? Go for it. Want to write up a feature on a certain band or label? Yep. Pretty much anything is open for the taking.

So what roles is TGEFM looking to fill? Well, we’d really like to get more action with the following:

Reviews – Aside from all of the great music that is coming out weekly that is just begging to be reviewed, TGEFM is also drowning in pre-release promos. We need more reviewers! Want to review an album before it comes out but we haven’t gotten a promo yet? We’ll do our darnedest to get a pre-release promo for you, and 99 times out 100, the band/label/PR firm is more than happy to get that to us.

Interviews – Bands love talking about themselves, and readers like reading what they have to say. We are looking for interviewers for all formats: long interviews, short interviews (like our new Roll of the Dice series), and anything in-between.

News Posts – We are looking for contributors who are willing to, at the least, peruse a provided and regularly updated list of leads/info for write-up as a news post. Bonus points if you are also willing to take the news you find out in the world (via social media, newsletters, etc.) and write up news posts as well.

So say you’re a little bit interested… what next? Well, you can email us with the subject line “Try Outs.” TGEFM will get back to you with information on how to give it a go, a bit more depth about what to expect and what is expected of you, and what we are looking for in a contributor.

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