TGEFM is looking for reviewers!

Do you like music? Of course you do, who doesn’t?!?*

Well, TGEFM is desperately looking for reviewers. Frankly, we’ve got more promos and review requests than our current (yet excellent) roster can handle.

So, if you:

  • LIKE listening to music
  • ESPECIALLY music you normally wmay not be exposed to
  • OFTEN before the official release date
  • AND think that you can write up a couple hundred words (for an LP, less for EP) every once in a while

Then please do CONTACT US!

This is an unpaid role, but the perks associated with it are pretty cool (see above- new music). TGEFM’s stories are written in English, and so that is a requirement. But if English is a second language for you, our editors are ready and willing to work on your writing.

We are also an open role organization… want to to also try your hand at original content: interviews, features, writing up news posts? It’s all there for you to try your hand at.

If you’re interested, or even just have questions, get in touch!

*people who are wrong, that’s who!

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