TGEFM is now on Reddit!

That’s right! That’s Good Enough For Me is now on with the subreddit r/tgefm_musicnews.

Listen, we get it. Many of you want to have as little as possible to do with the Zuckerberg’s Monster that is the Facebook/Instagram empire. Meanwhile, over at Twitter, Jack Dorsey’s looking a bit like a mix between Rasputin and Charles Manson. So we’ve launched a subreddit for you to keep up on the news.

But wait! This subreddit isn’t just about us! No way (plus, if it was, Reddit would shut it down under their self-promotion guidelines). This is also a community for YOU to share new music, music news, and anything else people might find interested. There will also be reader polls and other fun participatory activities!

So check us out at r/tgefm_musicnews!

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