TGEFM needs reviewers badly

We get more reviewers, we put out more reviews, we start getting even more promos for review. It’s cycle that just keeps going. A welcome one, to be sure, but that just means we need more reviewers.

As such, TGEFM (which, really, is always open to more reviewers) is putting out a call for reviewers!

TGEFM reviewers cover music, books, live events and more via full reviews, as well as TGEFM’s First Impression Reviews and Drive-By Reviews features. Established reviewers can access our pool of pre-release promos, as well as request a promo if we don’t have it already, or even request to get on the guest list for a show or fest for the purposes of review!

So what’s the hitch? Well, you don’t get paid. At least not in money. The prestige, chance to hear new music before it is out, and being the envy of all of your friends… Also, the requirements are few and are not very onerous. There really isn’t a quota (although there are extra perks for more submissions), and you only ever review what YOU want to review. You’re never assigned anything.

So, if you’re interested, or just want more info, shoot an email to us and we’ll get right back to you

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