TGEFM’s 2023 Spotify mixtape: Weeks 26 & 27

Did you hear that Marjorie Taylor Greene got kicked out of the House Freedom Caucus. Think about that: the “Jewish space lasers started the California wildfires” lady is not now considered too mainstream for the Freedom Caucus. Will wonders never cease?

Back to the music: because of the 4th of July weekend, we didn’t update the playlist last week, and are dropping all of the picks from Week 26 and Week 27 into one big batch. Including are new (and some old) tunes by Catbite and Brian Fallon, Jagger Holly, Smoking Popes and Sincere Engineer, McRackins, and Stegosaurus Sex Party.

Samiam, Fenix TX, Latterman, The Siren Six, and Smoking Popes and Groovy Love Vibes round out our older songs.

Remember that you, YES YOU, can also participate. Just follow the instructions at the bottom of this post to submit YOUR picks to add to our mixtape.

Sample it below, or head straight to Spotify where you can subscribe to the list!

Here’s the scoop: TGEFM staff are trying something a bit different for 2023. Instead of separate weekly playlists of what we’ve been listening to, we’re launching a year-long playlist, one that will grow each and every week as we add more songs to it. Our requirements are to first submit one NEW song released within the past month, and then one song released at any time. We’ll get the playlist updated on/around Sunday of each week.

READER CONTRIBUTIONS: Yes, you can make your voice heard. You just need to add to the comments below, starting with ONE SONG released in the PAST FOUR WEEKS. If you pull that off, you get a second pick from whenever. Hop to it!

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