TGEFM’s 2024 Spotify mixtape: Week 20 w/ Chuck Ragan, Jagger Holly, Dolly Llamas and more!

Week 20 was a good one. Lotsa responses! Be sure you’re actually going to Spotify and listening! HAHA!

TGEFM continues our staff and reader -generated Spotify mixtape for 2024. Most weeks will be themes (all entries must follow the theme, we are the final judge, haha), and readers can make their picks on the pinned thread at the top of the TGEFM Facebook page.

Song picks for Week 20 are inspired by the following:

21 May 2024: National Waitstaff Day – songs about or in restaurants
22 May 2024: National Maritime Day – song about being at sea
24 May 2024: National Brother’s Day – songs about, or featuring the word, brother
27 May 2024: Memorial Day (USA) – FREE PICK!

Week 21’s themes to make picks from are:

28 May 2024: National Burger Day – songs about, or featuring the word, “hamburger”
31 May 2024: World No Tobacco Day – songs about smoking… or trying to quit smoking
01 Jun 2024: National Say Something Nice Day – songs about compliments
02 Jun 2024: National Leave the Office Early Day – songs about skipping work
03 Jun 2024: Repeat Day – songs where a large portion of the lyrics are the same word, or verse, repeated

Sample the growing mixtape below, or head straight to Spotify where you can subscribe (preferred) to the list!

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