TGEFM’s 2024 Spotify mixtape: Week 29 and Week 28

I know that title doesn’t seem to make sense, but due to an error on Headitor Jeff’s part, if kinda does. Two weeks ago he accidentally shared the prompts for WEEK 29 instead of Week 28. To correct, last week he shared the prompts for both weeks in hopes no one would notice. Everyone did.

These are the picks made by TGEFM staff and readers based on a weekly set of prompts listed over at our TGEFM Facebook page (check the pinned thread at the top).

Song picks for Week 29 are inspired by the following:

18 Jul 2024: World Listening Day – Songs about listening (to anything… songs, people, birds…

20 Jul 2024: World Jump Day – Songs about being athletic, running… running from cops… running at cops.

21 Jul 2024: National Junk Food Day – Songs about eating unhealthy food.

FREE PICK: Provide ONE of the above prompts and you can get a free pick of your choice!

And songs for Week 28 were inspired by:

09 Jul 2024: Cow Appreciation Day – Songs by band’s originally from Wisconsin, “The Dairy State.”

11 Jul 2024: World Population Day – Songs about all the damn people, crowds, etc.

14 Jul 2024: Pandemonium Day – Pick the most messed up, crazy song you know.

15 Jul 2024: National Give Something Away Day – songs about giving or returning things to someone else.

Sample the growing mixtape below, or head straight to Spotify where you can subscribe (preferred) to the list!

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