The Ghostbusters take on “Zombie vs. Vampire” in new video from The Mad Splatter

Philly ramonescore enthusiasts The Mad Splatter tap into what’s currently hot with their new video “Zombie vs. Vampire.” The track comes from their Dec 2023 LP Songs to Murder Your Lovers By and, while the song is about zombie vs. vampire, why not bring in the Ghostbusters for the video? How does that work? I DON’T KNOW! But there’s a new GB movie coming out, and it’s good fun anyway. This video may be the best film since Oppenheimer.

Enjoy it below, and head to the Bandcamp or Spotify for more. They’re also playing at the end of the month, and then mini-touring around their neck of the woods in early-April. You can find dates and ticket info below the video.

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