The Number Twelve Looks Like You Wants You To Put Your “Eyes On The Fireworks” (Or Maybe That’s Exactly What They Don’t Want)

Avant-core, jazz-metal, genre-fluid and whatever other hyphenates you want to use to describe New Jersey’s indescribable are back after a five year hiatus with the new single and video “Eyes On The Fireworks.”

The band’s front man Jesse Korman explains the politically-charged single:

“Americans often assert that our claim to being the greatest country in the world rests on our freedom. The term ‘freedom’ is almost synonymous with the United States, as if it encapsulates all that truly matters. However, issues such as healthcare, affordable housing, gun violence, drug addiction, and unemployment persist. Despite these challenges, we continue to celebrate each summer with beach outings, fireworks, and barbecues, proclaiming our freedom, even as our nation engages in foreign conflicts. So let’s just keep our eyes on the fireworks!”

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